Throughout the year, PGEU continued its work through videoconferences, in order to reflect and stake out common positions. We did our most to contribute to major European dossiers such as the upcoming revision of the EU general pharmaceutical legislation, the update of minimal training requirements for pharmacists, the assessment of the directive on cross-border care and the future European Health Data Space. We also reflected on crosscutting strategic issues, such as healthcare digitalisation (including cross-professional perspectives and reflections on electronic product information), green and sustainable pharmacy, Europe’s beating cancer plan and professional skills. Throughout the year, PGEU remained dedicated to cooperation with European authorities, other healthcare professions and supply chain actors, a public health commitment perhaps epitomised by our participation in the Coalition for Vaccination to promote the uptake of vaccines among healthcare professionals and their patients. Our work remained based on continuous exchanges of information and monitoring of professional developments, bearing fruits such as our Medicines Shortages Survey or call to action for the 2021-22 flu vaccination campaign.

It has been a true privilege and a very rewarding experience to serve as PGEU President. My sincere gratitude goes to all PGEU members and to PGEU Secretariat for their unwavering dedication and commitment to the service of pharmacy, patients and health systems. I have no doubt that PGEU will continue to lead the change nec-essary to enhance the role of community pharmacists for health in Europe.

Community pharmacists exemplar role as primary care providers in the COVID-19 pandemic

Foreword Alain Delgutte,

PGEU President 2021

2021 at a glance

A look forward

PGEU Secretariat

PGEU Executive Committee 2021

PGEU Members 2021


The contribution of community

pharmacists during the COVID-19