The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) is the associa-tion representing European community pharmacists. PGEU members are the national associations and professional bodies of community pharmacists in 32 European countries, including EU Member States, EFTA countries, the UK and EU candidate countries.

PGEU’s vision is to see community pharmacists recognised as key health profes-sionals delivering a dynamic, sustainable and evolving contribution to the health of people while strengthening Europe’s health systems. European com-munity pharmacists work at the heart of communities, providing high-quality, professional advice on the safe, effective and rational use of medicines. Often, community pharmacists are the first and the last point of contact between the pa-tients and the health system and they make an invaluable contribution to public health.

About PGEU - Mission and Vision


PGEU Annual Report 2021

Community pharmacists exemplar role as primary care providers in the COVID-19 pandemic


Foreword Alain Delgutte,

PGEU President 2021

2021 at a glance

A look forward

PGEU Secretariat

PGEU Executive Committee 2021

PGEU Members 2021

The contribution of community

pharmacists during the COVID-19