IMMUNION Kick-off Meeting

On 13 and 15 April, PGEU participated in the kick-off meeting of IMMUNION, an EU-funded project on vaccination in which PGEU participates as a partner and co-chair of the EU Coalition for Vaccination. During the meeting, the different work packages were presented and discussed. PGEU will have an active role in work package 4, which focuses on strengthening the Coalition for Vaccination. The general objectives of this project are to support EU efforts to improve vaccine uptake by strengthening joint efforts amongst Coalition for Vaccination member associations and other stakeholders in order to deliver better vaccine education to health professionals and better information to the general public.

EDQM Pharmacare Stakeholder Day

On 9 April, PGEU spoke at the EDQM Pharmacare Stakeholder Day. EDQM is the Council of Europe Directorate for the Quality of medicines. We made a presentation on the community pharmacy contribution to quality of care and patient safety across Europe. We also presented the results of the study on pharmacy services that we published at the end of 2020.

PGEU Response to the European Commission Consultation on Demographic Change in Europe Green Paper on Ageing

On 20 April, PGEU submitted its response to the European Commission Public Consultation on Demographic Change. PGEU expressed support for the approach outlined by the European Commission in its Green Paper on Ageing, suggesting a comprehensive policy response to meet the health and long-term care needs of an ageing population by promoting investments in quality health care services and infrastructure. In line with this approach, we suggested that maximizing the scope of community pharmacy practice can be a key policy lever for EU Member States to address common challenges related to demographic change.

European Commission HTA Stakeholder Pool Meeting

On 26 April, PGEU participated to the HTA Network Stakeholder Pool meeting organized by the European Commission. The meeting provided an opportunity for the European Commission to update stakeholders on their most recent activities related to HTA and to discuss developments regarding EU Cooperation on HTA, further to the Council agreement on its negotiating position with the European Parliament on the Proposal for an EU Regulation on HTA. In particular, the discussions were focused on how to ensure meaningful stakeholder involvement in joint HTA activities as envisaged in the new HTA framework foreseen under the Proposal.

European Commission HTA Stakeholder Pool Meeting

On 26 April, PGEU participated to the HTA Network Stakeholder Pool meeting organized by the European Commission. The meeting provided an opportunity for the European Commission to update stakeholders on their most recent activities related to HTA and to discuss developments regarding EU Cooperation on HTA, further to the Council agreement on its negotiating position with the European Parliament on the Proposal for an EU Regulation on HTA. In particular, the discussions were focused on how to ensure meaningful stakeholder involvement in joint HTA activities as envisaged in the new HTA framework foreseen under the Proposal.

















2021 at a glance



Foreword Alain Delgutte,

PGEU President 2021

2021 at a glance

A look forward

PGEU Secretariat

PGEU Executive Committee 2021

PGEU Members 2021

The contribution of community

pharmacists during the COVID-19

PGEU Annual Report 2021

Community pharmacists exemplar role as primary care providers in the COVID-19 pandemic