Press Release - IMMUNION: Promoting vaccination uptake across the EU
Press ReleasesA new European project has been launched, with the purpose to improve equitable vaccine uptake by strengthening collaboration between healthcare professionals, public health authorities, the media and local communities. IMMUNION will contribute to and complement wider EU vaccination efforts through delivering better education to health professionals and better information to the general public.
Communicating evidence-based information about vaccination effectively, in ways which build trust and reduce the spread of misinformation has rarely been more critical. IMMUNION (“Improving IMMunisation cooperation in the European UNION”) has been built to meet these needs.
‘The Coalition for Vaccination is excited to be supported by IMMUNION. The Coalition is a rather new initiative, bringing together European associations of healthcare professionals and students´ associations, and through IMMUNION it will become further consolidated. This will enable coalition members to effectively promote accurate information on vaccination, combat myths and exchange best practices.’ (EFN, CPME, PGEU – Co-chairs of the Coalition for Vaccination)
“Vaccination is a crucial tool for public health and health equity. The collaboration of health professionals with community leaders, influencers and the media in a “whole-of-society” approach is a cornerstone of effective outreach to underserved populations,” said Alison Maassen, Programme Manager EuroHealthNet, and Project Manager of IMMUNION.
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IMMUNION is delighted to join one of the key international initiatives organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, the European Immunization Week, which takes place from 26th April to 2nd May. This year’s campaign aims to build solidarity and trust in vaccination as a public good that saves lives and protects health.
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