Coalition for Vaccination

The Coalition for Vaccination brings together European associations of healthcare professionals and relevant student associations in the field. It was convened by the European Commission in 2019. The Coalition aims to support delivering accurate information to the public, combating myths around vaccines and vaccination, and exchanging best practices on vaccination. The Coalition has nearly 20 member organisations, including healthcare professionals’ student associations.

On 09 February 2020, the Coalition launches a manifesto to encourage healthcare professionals to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The manifesto highlights three key reasons why all healthcare professionals should get vaccinated against COVID-19 when they have the opportunity to do so and why they should help promote the vaccination against COVID-19 among the general public.

  1. You protect yourself from illness and possible severe or life-threatening complications

  2. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective

  3. You help safeguard healthcare capacity

On 05 October 2020, the Coalition launched an online campaign to promote the uptake of Flu vaccines among healthcare professionals and patients across Europe. A communication toolkit linking to the campaign materials and key messages is available at the bottom of this page. Join us in raising awareness on the importance on Flu vaccination!

In April 2020, the Coalition had been running an advocacy campaign to promote the uptake of vaccines among health professionals and their patients. The campaign was launched across Europe simultaneously with the European Immunization Week of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. It aims to remind that immunisation through vaccination is the best protection there is against serious, even deadly, preventable diseases. Healthcare professionals’ role is to reassure people that vaccines are safe and effective.

Campaign videos – Pharmacists

1. Your initiative matters!

2. Your vaccination matters!

3. Our commitment matters!

Coalition for Vaccination - Manifesto COVID-19 vaccination CfV Communication Toolkit - Flu Campaign 2020 Coalition for Vaccination Campaign PR - 20 April 2020